10th February 2015 (Available as a download PDF – GM 10th February 2015)
Present: Chair: Chris Stanley, John Davenport, Anthony Lewis, Phil Royse, Geoff James, Richard Cowper; Cllrs Steve
Hollands, Jan Buttinger & Steve O’Connell (from 8:30pm).
Apologies: Marilyn Poulton, Laura L, Willem Buttinger, Mike Van der vord. Police
Visitors: Polly Albany Ward from the Croydon Advertiser.
498.1.1 Minutes of meeting 497 held on 14th January were agreed with the following amendment: JB clarified
497.2.2 regarding the application for a mobile phone mast on the corner of Zig Zag Road and Abbots
Lane. This is a pre-planning consultation. Residents can raise their concerns and objections with the
Council although there is not currently a formal objection process. JB is concerned that this is a
dangerous location, due to the tight right-hand bend, and encourages residents to object.
498.1.2 Matters Arising: Action Points from this and previous meetings
Phil R 497.3.1 inform Andy Spencer Jones of the offer for three free ads and report back his acceptance
Geoff J 496.3.1 research the commercial email sending services.
Chris S 497.3.29 write/email John Carr to thank him for the list of WW1 service personnel and request if
we could use or publish this
491.3.9 Draft a welcome letter/pack for Road Stewards to hand to new residents.
498.3.1 Send Laura a reminder email about the login details for the membership software.
498.3.3 Put an article in the newsletter inviting volunteers to fill vacant posts on the committee.
498.3.16 Confirm the venue for 9th June outreach meeting and then confirm Councillors attendance.
Anthony L 498.3.16 Invite the Police Borough Commander to speak at the AGM in addition to him
sitting on the Q&A panel.
498.3.22 investigate further the threshold needed for action when rubbish on a landowner’s
property has a detrimental impact on the community.
498.2.1 Police
AL reported that the SNT have received complaints about a local resident blocking access to the right
of way leading to Dollypers Hill by Roberts Farm.
498.2.2 LBC
Unfortunately, the additional planning application on Higher Drive to extend the nursing home has
been approved.
The bridge closure on Old Lodge Lane has been widely advertised. The alternative route for the 455
bus has been agreed. There has been comment that the timetable is not as accurate as it should be.
CS commented that the emergency gas works in Plough Lane, Purley, put the Godstone Road into
gridlock, which greatly inconvenienced many of our residents. The committee would be interested
in any thoughts as to how traffic flow can be improved when emergencies such as this happen.
SH informed the committee that although the Save Purley Pool campaign has been successful, there
is no specific budget for the pool, and its continued funding is being met out of reserves.
SH has received an update on the situation relating to previous flooding. He will forward this on to
the committee. CS has chased Steve Iles for the Section 19 report into the flooding. RC reported that
Southern Railway are investigating options due to potential damage from flooding.
SO’C has written to the Secretary of State regarding Kenley Airfield, reminding him that the land is
a conservation area, green belt and the ownership has caveats on it.
RC raised concern that the siting of the bus stop opposite Tesco’s on the northbound A23 causes
buses to cut across traffic, and cause delay. SO’C commented that he has not had any correspondence
on this, and that generally removing, or moving bus stops is not welcomed by residents.
SO’C reported that the council have removed the £23,000 funding for Purley Youth Club.
498.3 NEW, and ONGOING, BUSINESS (items under unused ref numbers are C/F to next meeting)
498.3.1 Review, and confirm proposals from kitchen 27 Jan: purchase Mojo; Discounts for
volunteers: The committee unanimously agreed to:
offer a permanent 20% discount on advertising in the newsletter for Kendra volunteers.
approved the purchase of the new membership software which will cost £200 per annum.
to keep the subscription rate at £3 per household for 2016.
the general acceptance of the new website design.
the expenditure of £13.99 each for Laura L and Simon Lewseyfor the purchase of desktop
publishing software.
CS will send Laura a reminder email about the login details for the membership software.
The committee agreed to go ahead with the new subscription envelope with a minor change to the
498.3.2 Local fracking: The article in the Croydon Advertiser regarding fracking in the local area was
discussed. There is no further action required at this stage.
498.3.3 Newsletter: new editor/team. Review CW suggestions, attached: CS will send a reminder email
regarding articles for the next edition. PR will contact advertisers to check if copy needs to be
changed. Then to submit invoices for those advertisers due to renew. The committee agreed that
notices for local causes can be inserted for free. The committee also agreed to print a letter
requesting volunteers for the RNLI collections.
CS asked Polly to inform him if the Advertiser is contacted by local budding journalists who might
like to get involved in the production of our newsletter. Kenley Primary School have a young
reporters club, and they instigated the action on the railway footbridge by Kenley Primary School.
The copy deadline for the next newsletter is 20 February, for printing by 20th of March and
distribution in late March early April.
The newsletter should include abbreviated accounts.
Suggestions for improving the newsletter will be carried forward until we have a newsletter editor
in place. Simon Lewsey has agreed to do the layout for the newsletter going forward. CS will put
an article in the newsletter inviting volunteers to fill vacant posts on the committee.
AL has produced a list of suggested articles, which can be used in future editions.
498.3.4 Urgent need for more Committee members; AS for Area H & K Primary School.: See above
and there is also a request on the new subs envelope.
498.3.4½ Bridge by Kenley Primary School: SO’C has written to the Director of Network Rail, and the
Headteacher of the Kenley Primary School is satisfied that the the matter is being taken forward.
498.3.5 Purley Hospital UCC campaign: changes: CS informed the meeting that he and other Residents
Association Chairs have met with Croydon HealthWatch, who have subsequently written to the
Clinical Commissioning Group, but as yet have not had a response to that letter.
498.3.6 Update on GJ Planning proposals: GJ to produce a brief article for the newsletter.
498.3.8 Community Youth Grants: CS has sent out invitations for grant applications to be received by 31
March 2015.
498.3.11 Update on Kenley Crime Statistics, Smart Water packs, and letter to MOPAC (AL): AL has
submitted a funding bid on behalf of Kendra. The bid has been modified to include a
“Neighbourhood Watch Plus” model to include more community involvement. AL has emailed the
chair of the local Neighbourhood Watch regarding the proposals. AL has calculated that the cost of
burglary is estimated at over £3,000 per incident, which would mean the project would break even
if six burglaries were to be prevented.
If the bid is successful we will need to get involved in recruiting approximately a dozen volunteers
to distribute packs. There may be a small cost to Kendra of approximately £100 for printing
The bid is being discussed at the Safer Neighbourhood Board next week, and if endorsed will then
go to MOPAC in March.
The committee discussed the funding available from the Police Property Act Fund, and how that
might be used.
CS clarified that the funding being applied applied for is to provide “Smart Water” packs for
victims of burglary & their immediate neighbours, vulnerable residents, and specific public
premises. We have also negotiated discounted rates of a one-off fee of £25, for other residents to
purchase packs. Smart water has a deterrent effect if properly advertised, and will help the local
police apprehend burglars. Other local Residents Associations are interested in the initiative, and
AL is in discussions with them about this.
CS thanked Anthony Lewis for his work on this project.
498.3.13 Matters arising from GM and outreach meetings: white lines Beverley Road: The committee
discussed the email from Steve Wakeling regarding painting white lines outside residents
driveways in the Beverley Road area. SH confirmed that all residents can apply for white line
painting and don’t need to be disabled. SH recommended that residents raise their concerns through
a petition. SH will contact some of the affected residents he has details for. Kendra could involve
local road stewards and raise at the AGM and in the newsletter.
498.3.16 Speaker for April 2015 (PR & AL): It is unfortunate that Steve Iles cannot speak at the AGM due
to purdah. CS suggested that if the outreach meeting proceeds on 9 June, Steve Iles could be
invited to speak at that. But first CS will confirm the venue and then confirm Councillors
AL will invite the Police Borough Commander to speak at the AGM in addition to him sitting on
the Q&A panel.
498.3.22 Golf Road stables and fence and electricity: GJ raised concern that the bags of rubble outside
261 Hayes Lane are unsightly. They may be interfering with the first 1m of land next to the
highway which should be kept clear. AL believes there is new legislation which can require
landowners to clear their property if it has detrimental impact on the community. It is unclear as to
what the threshold for action is. AL will investigate further. SO’C has a personal connection with
the property owner, so he suggested that SH arrange for an enforcement Officer to look into this.
498.3.29 AOB
The consultation deadline for the Fiveways improvement project is 15th of March.
AL has figured out how to combine Google maps with information reporting on crime. This might
be suitable for inclusion on the website and in his reports.
Date of next Committee meeting: Tuesday 10th March 2015, 8 pm, Kenley Memorial Hall.
Apr 14 Committee meeting, Apr 28 AGM, May 12 committee meeting, May 26 Geoff’s kitchen,
June 9 committee meeting and outreach meeting probably in Roke Road area.
Support of vulnerable residents (CPJS), Croydon Energy-from-Waste plant, Waste management and
SLWP, Liaise with schools as means of promoting KENDRA (CPJS), Closure of Purley Fire Station,
Archives and financial documents, Glider Cable incident, Changes to Insurance policy, Kendra signs
at east end of Valley Road
498.6 Committee Reports.
Written reports received & circulated from: Hon. Sec, Treasurer, Planning, , Police.
498.7 PREVIOUS BUSINESS (Dormant or semi-dormant but unfinishable)
Higher Drive RecreatIon, Mosque on OLL, The Moorings PP Group.