Our mandate
To ensure we get full value for money from all the public services:
- Council services (such as refuse collection and road maintenance) for which we pay directly.
- Emergency services (police, fire and ambulance) for which we pay a levy.
- Community services (such as health and education) to which we contribute via national taxation.
To monitor performance of other services:
- Bus and train companies, and other public organisations e.g. water companies.
To monitor planning:
- Kenley is seen as an area ripe for development. The Committee reviews the Croydon planning website www.croydon.gov.uk on a regular basis.
- The Association considers the merits of proposed developments and canvasses members’ views in order to take them into account. In this way it attempts to ensure that the proposals are in the best interests of the whole community.
The Association regularly monitors performance in all these areas and takes effective action, publicises and lobbies where appropriate.
General ethos:
The Association has to be all things to all Kenley residents and to be outward looking, balancing the following:
- Ensuring we are environmentally “green” to keep up with the various environmental needs and initiatives (and with a good record of achievement in this sphere).
- Coping with complex issues such as security and policing (our representatives ensure that the Association’s voice is heard on the Consultative Committee).
- Ensuring a fair deployment of scarce resources.
- Maintaining a diversity of interests and links with other local organisations.
We are a non-political organisation.
The committee follows these rules:
The Committee, which is elected annually, carries out the day-to-day management of the Association. This ensures that the Committee is the servant of the local residents and reacts to their reasonable needs. A copy of our constitution may be read by clicking Kendra Constitution .