It’s a warm welcome to Gayle Gander following her election in May as our brand new councillor for Kenley. She joins our fairly new and re-elected friend, Olaoluwa Kolade, who has settled in so well. They share the President and Vice-President roles on KENDRA.
Welcome Back
The Annual General Meeting in April re-elected the following members to the committee for another year:
Christine Heal, maintains discipline as Chair of the committee, as well as liaison for Transport, where she tirelessly lobbies for better transport links and a local bus for ‘upper’ Kenley.
Linda Richman remains as Honorary Secretary and Minuting Secretary, reminding us of our past promises. John Davenport wrestles the role of Membership Secretary, while co-ordinating the host of road stewards who traipse the streets on our behalf. The tight purse strings are under the watchful eye of Angela Morrison, keeping us fiscally up to date and in order as Honorary Treasurer.
Our resident Planning Officer, and newsletter publisher, Geoff James, continues to sink his Jack-Russell-like teeth into the trouser leg of Croydon’s planning department.
Tony Heal bashes away at his keyboard to keep the magazine on the printing press, and a host of other jobs he does for us on the QT, including support for the ‘Chair.’ Our master salesman, Tony Avery, continues to persuade local businesses to support us by advertising in our quarterly magazine.
Our crime reporter, aka our Police Liaison Officer, Conor Campion, extracts information from the Met, without the need for a darkened room and a harsh spotlight. And Paul Keating tries to keep the website functioning and up to date while picking up litter.
Tumbleweed rolls past the vacant Vice Chair’s seat, and the Conservation Officer’s, and Health Officer’s, while the Public Relations role remains eerily private.
It Could Be You
Could you be up to the task of any of the above vacancies? If so please contact Christine Heal chairman@kenleyra.org.uk and/or come to one of our committee meetings to see what’s involved. Being a committee member won’t take over your life, but it could make it better. Please have think about what you could do for KENDRA and our community. Just a couple of hours a month could make Kenley a happier place for us all.
And it’s “Goodbye” from them. Mike Van Der Vord and Jane Highfield are leaving us in body, if not in spirit. Mike was our Conservation Officer and largely responsible for the Wattendon Pond. Farewell too for Anthony Lewis of eight years on the committee, who has now moved away. Our thanks to them for their years of commitment to KENDRA. And special thanks to Jan Buttinger who has been our local councillor for longer than most of us can recall. A well-earned retirement.